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Black Owned Farms In Michigan


Agape Organic Farms | Dansville, MI | Raises and sells grass fed, pasture-raised meat ( beef cattle and pork) , mushrooms and microgreens | Website + Facebook Instagram | Email: | Tel. 517-604-0739

Bramley farms | Cassopolis, MI | Grows and sells wide variety of vegetables | Website + Facebook | Email: | Tel. 269-228-2633 / 404-977-9812 

Brother Nature Farms | Detroit, MI | Grows and sells herbs salad mix and herbs; and at times duck and chicken eggs in a chemical-free environment | Website + Facebook | Email: | Tel. 313-914-0031

Corn Wine Oil (CWO) Farms | Detroit, MI | Grows and sells organic herbs and produce | Instagram

Deeply Rooted Produce | Detroit, MI | Website + Instagram | Email: | Phone: 313-949-3226

Detroit Hives | Detroit, MI | Offers honey and urban beekeeping | Website + Instagram 

D-Town Farm | Detroit, MI | Offers community farming | Website Facebook Email: | Tel. 313-345-3663

Hawkins Farm | Covert, MI | Grows and sells blueberries | Facebook | Email: | Tel. 269-764-1562

Jackson Family Farm | Covert, MI | Harvests and grows blueberries; runs a u-pick during harvest season | Website + Instagram | Email: 269-767-4410

Keep Growing Detroit Farm | Detroit, MI | Grows and sells a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables with a specialty “Motown” garlic | Website + Facebook + Instagram + Youtube | Email: | Tel. (315) 794-9565

Kijani House  | Detroit, MI | Offers compost from vermiculture | Facebook | Tel. 313-600-3809

*Liberated Farms | Detroit, MI | Teaches agricultural practices at a community garden | Website + Facebook | Email:

Live Organically | Oak Grove, MI | Grows and sells fresh fruits and vegetables using organic growing methods; educates on farming | Website + Facebook | Email: | Tel. 612-568-3539 

Midtown Composting | Detroit, MI | Sells potting soil and compost | Website + Instagram + Facebook + Twitter + Linkedin | Email: 

Nurturing Our Seeds | Detroit, MI | Urban farming and community wellness offering bi-weekly CSA program | Facebook + Instagram | Email: |  313-461-4432

Oakland Avenue Urban Farm | Detroit, MI | Grows and sells a range of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens using organic methods; operates a farmer's market for several other local farmers | Website + Facebook + Instagram + Twitter | Email: | Tel. 313-649-7756

Old City Acres | Belleville, MI | Grows and sells produce year-round using organic growing methods | Website + Facebook + Instagram + Newsletter| Email: | Tel. 734-771-9984

One Love Organic Farm | Maple City, MI | Grows organic mixed vegetable 1/2 acre market garden then sells to resident in Traverse City | Facebook

Red Flower Growers | Detroit, MI | Grows and sells vegetables and plants | Email: | Phone: 248-979-3443 

Sanctuary Farming | Detroit, MI | Grows and sells specialty crops such as Burgess buttercup winter squash and Waltham butternut squash, and a range of leafy greens, peppers, tomatoes and herbs; and offers composting services  | Website + Instagram + Youtube | Email:

SempaFarms Michigan | Belleville, MI | Curates a collective of underserved farmers serving underserved Michigan communities | Facebook | Tel. 734-931-0890

Tappin Roots Urban Farms  | Flint, MI (outskirts of Flint) | Website + Instagram | | Tel. 810.373.5500

Walton’s Plants | Detroit, MI | Grows and sells a variety of flowers | Email: | Tel. 313-460-5845 

We the People Opportunity Farm | Ypsilanti, MI | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: | Tel. 734-757-5067

Willow Run Acres | Ypsilanti, MI | Oversees 40 community gardens in Michigan and Ohio | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Tel. (734) 717-4849

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